My ears are nets
catching whispers,
prayers and conversations
in public.
My heart’s a handrail
gathering imprints of emotions
from what the eye gleams.
My nose adds flavor
to highlight the take.
My mind’s the boss
divvying up the loot;
meanings form and deform
in its jingling pocket
until an entry finally
informs the knowledge bank.
catching whispers,
prayers and conversations
in public.
My heart’s a handrail
gathering imprints of emotions
from what the eye gleams.
My nose adds flavor
to highlight the take.
My mind’s the boss
divvying up the loot;
meanings form and deform
in its jingling pocket
until an entry finally
informs the knowledge bank.
good day ~~~
I'm a visitor from Hawaii and just found your post Sensory Savant. I like it... it's interesting so I decided to read and say hi. Although my interests are mostly about woman rash guards related information right now, your blog got my attention and was a nice change. Thanks for your nice blog Udhaya, I think I'll tell my cousin to stop by if that's okay.
~ Aloha ~
I'm impressed with what you wrote here in your Sensory Savant post. I gave up my search for rash guard information and wanted to hang out here on your blog - well done. I might make a blog like yours about rash guard, but I wouldn't try to compete with you. You're doing a great job Udhaya.
You got a great thing going... by friend.
I have to say that your blog hits the spot!
I was out looking for information on rashguards but found your post: Sensory Savant to be far more interesting than what I was looking for. Quite a good job you're doing on your site here... I'm thinking about making a blog about rashguards I want to make it look like yours here. If you have any tips or secrets maybe you could share :)
It was great to visit your blog, thanks.