the car took on fate
and got its nose smashed
behind its forehead
the concrete slab parting
the freeway appears
like a sliced
birthday cake to the car's
carving knife
drive-by voyeurs
stop to get their fill
one of them proclaims
aloud through his
open window
"Probably drunk"
and speeds away to his
there must be others
like him who pronounce
with their sense of justice
in perfect balance
actions = consequences
daring no summations
to this random cruelty
I reach my destination too
but a little
disheveled like that concrete
slab whose sense of order,
division of right
and left,
up and down got
slapped out of place
by a wayward
and got its nose smashed
behind its forehead
the concrete slab parting
the freeway appears
like a sliced
birthday cake to the car's
carving knife
drive-by voyeurs
stop to get their fill
one of them proclaims
aloud through his
open window
"Probably drunk"
and speeds away to his
there must be others
like him who pronounce
with their sense of justice
in perfect balance
actions = consequences
daring no summations
to this random cruelty
I reach my destination too
but a little
disheveled like that concrete
slab whose sense of order,
division of right
and left,
up and down got
slapped out of place
by a wayward