running on empty

My emptiness is too big
for the outside world
so I keep it within.
I’ve shed light on it
several times;
the truth is not pretty.

Occasionally there’s the urge
to connect with someone else
perhaps someone with their own
emptiness gathered over time.
But will we fulfill each other’s void
or will our emptiness combine
to something more

If I can spend all my emptiness
I’ll be free of the burden.
But what will I do to contain myself?
What matter can fill the void
of emptiness?

Yes, there’s always the slated purpose
attached to a routine,
activities that grant memories,
create bonds that crave other
activities and grant other memories
to carry around like necessary baggage,
but I would have spent a lot
filling up on nothing
that rivals the emptiness.

The cure isn’t to crowd
emptiness but to leave it alone
in untainted clarity.
